4:01 pm

As for this section, the admin will display the menu list for "Vamburger". There are several types of ingredients needed to make this "vamburger" look unique and taste very delicious. Even so, the results and taste will be different on each tongue. So, with all the admin shortcomings, here are the ingredients and ingredients needed for maximum results. 

Good luck ^^

1. African Burger

§   Mangat that - Daging + tempe + ubi
§   Dark bread - Roti + Roti Arang + Tinta Cumi
·    Lettuce
·    Tomato
·    Cucumber
·    Sause Homemade
·    Sause bean
·    Rumput Laut

2. Snacks
§  Spinach chips (red, green)
§  Dragon fruits chips (white, red)
§  Jackfruit chips
§  Apple chips (green, red)
§  Broccoli chips

·         Mushroom
·         Kecombrang

 3. Drinks
§  Minuman Rumput Laut
§  Cabbage + mango juice
§  kulit manggis juice

That is an important part of the process of making "Vamburgers". 
Hope you all enjoy it.

Eo: Ahmad Zaman Huri ^^

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